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Doctoral thesis: "Nutrigenomics: experimental and integrative analysis and development of a data mining platform"

The next December 11 will be the defense of the doctoral thesis "Nutrigenomics: experimental and integrative analysis and development of a data mining platform" by bioinformatician Roberto Martin in the auditorium of IMDEA Food. 

Roberto has been working in the IMDEA Food Biostatistics and Bioinfomation Unit since May 2012. With 8 years of experience in bioinformatics and computational biology, he is co-author of more than 25 original research articles published in international journals. His scientific interests focus on research and data integration. He is currently a predoctoral researcher in the Food Sciences program at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


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Workshop on “Epigenetics and lifestyle”: the path to personalized Nutrition

XVI Congress

Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Obesidad 2020

 Workshop on “Epigenetics and lifestyle”: the path to personalized Nutrition


March 11th, 2020, Madrid

Hotel Meliá Barajas



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